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February 22,2008
John Elkhani
7947 Canoga Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91304

Dear Mr. Elkhani,

I would like to take acouple of minutes of you time to recommend you and staff for the outstanding service provided to me by your company. Eight months ago you installed 2600 square feet of hardwood flooring in my newly purchase home. The quality of material and installation were both exemplary. I have had several wood floors installed over the years and this was by far the best example of workmanship that I have seen to date. Whatever you are paying your installers. It’s worth it: don’t let them get away.

Unfortunatly, even under the best of circumstances, problems can arise. In this case, a moister related problem required that approximately 2000 square feet of the downstairs flooring had to be replaced. I am not sure what precipitated the problem, but what I do know is that you initially assumed responsibility and promptly replaced my floor! I can not tell you how pleased I am with your follow up service.

When I first discovered he problem, which was not really all that obvious, I mentally prepared myself for an unpleasant and protracted battle to get it resolved. To my astonishment, you immediately  took ownership of the problem; which I am sure was at no small cost to yourself. Instead of me having to repeatedly call you, you regularly called me, to keep me abreast of what was going to take place each step of the way.Once again, the new floor was beautifully installed.


The hallmark of any professional is follow-thru. You and your staff have certainly demonstrated your commitment to that truth. Please feel free to share my experience with any future customers.


K. R. Hale

Vice president of Flight Operations


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